Courses & Seminars

Disruptive Innovation
Time: 1 - 2 days

Customer-Driven Innovation
Time: 1 - 2 days

Innovation Leadership
Time: 1 - 2 days

Innovation Management
Time: 3 - 4 days

Patent research and analysis skills
Time: 3 - 5 days

Protecting ideas and transforming them into inventions
Time: 3 - 5 days

Customer Feedback
The course 'Applying design, creative, and inventive thinking in enterprise R&D activities' has helped our technical team gain access to a wealth of diverse resources, including research and patent inventions from Vietnam and around the world, which can be applied in our company's production and research. Additionally, the instructors have effectively guided us in implementing the 'standing on the shoulders of giants' strategy. One strength of the course is its combination of theory and practical application. Furthermore, it introduces concepts of innovation, intellectual assets, and intangible assets, allowing us to gain a better understanding of the patent registration process, intellectual property rights, and the protection of Hoya's intellectual assets. With the inspiration, skills, and foundational knowledge acquired from the course, Hoya's staff have proactively sought further information regarding relevant global inventions and technical reports in our field of operations. This has enabled us to make creative and effective applications based on this newly acquired knowledge.
Applying design, creative, and inventive thinking in enterprise R&D activitiesHoya Glass Disk Vietnam Limited 
The course 'Method of identifying problems and providing solutions by applying the innovative TRIZ methodology' provides us with numerous insights and real-world examples for practicing the application of TRIZ. Through hands-on exercises based on real requirements from the company, we've had the opportunity to hone our skills and enhance our flexibility in applying the TRIZ methodology in a real-world setting. We find the course highly valuable, equipping us with new knowledge and skills in creative problem identification and resolution. We believe that what has been imparted by IPG will be optimally effective and relevant in our research, creative, and business development activities at HOPT in the future.
Method of identifying problems and providing solutions by applying the innovative TRIZ methodologyHoang Phuc Thanh Service and Trade Company Limited