Events Feature

The “4th Global Conference of Overseas Vietnamese” and the “2024 Forum for Vietnamese Experts and Intellectuals Abroad”

At a special event in Hanoi on the evening of August 21, 2024, nine significant cooperation agreements were signed between domestic entities and organizations of overseas Vietnamese. The event took place within the framework of the 4th Global Conference of Overseas Vietnamese and the 2024 Forum for Vietnamese Experts and Intellectuals Abroad.

IP GROUP was one of the key entities that signed several noteworthy cooperation agreements at the event. These agreements mark an important milestone in fostering extensive collaboration between IP GROUP and other domestic units as well as overseas Vietnamese organizations.

This cooperation promises to open up new opportunities for comprehensive development and collaboration in various fields, from Research to Training and Intellectual Property in Vietnam.


❤ IP Group – Empowering Creative Business.

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🏫 Address: No. 129/15 Binh Thoi Street, Ward 11, District 11, Ho Chi Minh City.


#ipgroup #intellectualproperty #patent #USPTO

Events Feature

Seminar on Intellectual Property Management Strategy and Value Enhancement

At the University of Transport Technology in Hanoi, the event “Seminar on Intellectual Property Management Strategy and Value Enhancement” took place with great enthusiasm and success. The seminar attracted significant attention from lecturers, students, and experts in the technology field.

During the event, the presentations focused on the application of effective management strategies and the enhancement of intellectual property value in the era of Industry 4.0. This promises to open up new opportunities, provide innovative solutions, and foster sustainable development in the field of information technology.

The seminar created an atmosphere of lively exchange and learning, as well as opportunities for networking among experts, businesses, and students. This event marked an important step forward in raising awareness and knowledge about Intellectual Property Management within the technological transformation era.

IP Group – Empowering creative business ventures.


Address: 129/15 Binh Thoi Street, Ward 11, District 11, Ho Chi Minh City.

#UTT #Seminar #Management #ArtificialIntelligence


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