Three Vietnamese girls win the world championship with their creative idea of sanitary pads made from dragon fruit peels

💢 Nowadays, almost all women around the world use sanitary pads. Due to its widespread use, the number of sanitary pads disposed of into the environment daily, monthly, and yearly is incalculable.

❌ It is worth noting that a sanitary pad takes up to 500 years to decompose, and the absorbent material in sanitary pads is a significant issue for waste separation.

💡 Sharing a common concern about this issue, three Vietnamese girls, Luong Anh Khanh Huyen (16 years old), Tran Quynh Anh (15 years old), and Bui Tu Uyen (17 years old), implemented the idea of producing sanitary pads from dragon fruit peels and participated in the international environmental protection innovation competition, The Earth Prize.

🎊 Their innovation was highly convincing to the judging panel as it addressed both agricultural waste and household waste issues. They were the only representatives from Vietnam to enter the finals and became the first champions of this award.

💖 The success of this group is an initial step that reflects a promising future in the field of innovation and creative renewal based on the development of Vietnam’s young generation.


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