
Is there a specialized gap in communication and media?

‼‼ The story of “invention” and “innovation” is not over yet!!

❎ Not long ago, IP Group posted an article about the convenience of language in communication and the media. Many articles in the field of intellectual property, science, and technology interchangeably use the terms “invention” and “innovation.”

☑ Indeed, the journalism profession is not easy! IP Group may have assessed it inaccurately when it claimed that the media had a convenient way with words. Faced with a large number of articles that casually misuse the term “invention” in this way, the issue here is not about whether the language is convenient or not but rather about a lack of solid expertise. In writing about the field of intellectual property and science and technology, journalists seem to lack the necessary knowledge to use these terms correctly.

⁉ As a bridge for conveying information to the public, should media and communication outlets reconsider the quality of their professional language when it comes to terms in their articles?


Biological cement: the era of sustainable construction

Construction is an industry that contributes significantly to global pollution. Specifically, the production and use of cement alone emit 2 billion tons of CO2 into the environment every year, ranking third in the top 10 sources of industrial pollution.

🌟 In response to the global trend towards sustainability, a group of researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder, the University of North Carolina Wilmington, and the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory have developed a unique carbon-neutral method by using cement that can be produced from biological limestone.

🎯 It is known that the team cultivated Coccolithophore algae capable of producing biological limestone by forming calcium carbonate deposits during photosynthesis. What’s remarkable is that the biological limestone version of Coccolithophore can be produced in real-time, rather than taking millions of years to form naturally.

🎯 Finally, this biological limestone is used to produce cement. What’s special is that this cement not only neutralizes carbon but also removes carbon by having algae absorb CO2 from the environment and store it as calcium carbonate.

💖 The successful research on this biological cement is a very encouraging sign for a global sustainable construction industry. Researchers worldwide, including those in Vietnam, are making efforts to develop recycled building materials that protect the environment, all working towards a new era for the construction industry: the era of sustainable construction!


The secret business: “lost is lost”

The little story about Mr. Dang’s business secret is a lesson for Vietnamese businesses today, especially small and medium-sized enterprises with limited knowledge of industrial property or business secrets in particular.

Business secrets are one of the core factors that make up the competitive capability of each business. Once the core is lost, the business is undoubtedly in jeopardy! Business secrets, once revealed, are considered completely lost, so naturally, they cannot be publicly protected like other industrial property rights. This is why protecting business secrets is even more critical, and businesses must take it seriously and have the most secure measures in place.

With IP Group, let’s take a look at the story and gather some knowledge about business secrets from the IP Lover’s article! ❤ ❤


Newly developed artificial muscle material: is it a breakthrough?

Recently, a group of scientists from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) announced the successful development of a new material for producing artificial muscles. These artificial muscles are not only strong but also more flexible than natural muscles.

Specifically, the research was conducted using readily available chemicals and a process involving ultraviolet (UV) light to improve the dielectric elastomer (DE) material, resulting in a thin and lightweight high-performance dielectric elastomer material (PHDE).

This invention allows the production of actuators similar to spider legs with the ability to bend and twist, or flex and rotate. These actuators can generate much more force and flexibility, 3 to 10 times that of natural muscles. Therefore, it could pave the way for applications of artificial muscles in robots, sensors, and precise motion simulation technology, potentially advancing human-like movements.

Could this invention truly represent a breakthrough for future robotics technology?


Is 5G Creating a New Horizon for Vietnamese Businesses?

The power of the Internet of Things (IoT) has unlocked countless potentials by driving the development of mobile technologies. Especially in businesses where there is a high demand for fast and secure connectivity, mobile connections play a crucial role and directly impact their operations and revenue.

Digital transformation enables businesses to monitor, supervise, and manage complex ecosystems efficiently, encompassing machinery, devices, and human resources. Furthermore, applying mobile technologies through the Internet helps companies reduce losses, save costs, and minimize negative impacts on the environment.

The internet has become the foundation for making everything smarter. Currently, modern 5G network technology is being utilized by some pioneering businesses worldwide, such as certain companies in the automotive industry (as illustrated in the article). It promises to create a breakthrough in optimization and flexibility.

With the global trend of development and connectivity, Vietnam has been preparing the infrastructure for 5G network usage. Hopefully, in the future, technologies developed on the 5G platform will bring about a new landscape in production and business in Vietnam, enhancing innovation capabilities and building a modern, sustainable economy.


Another new plastic pollution found!

The level of pollution is increasing day by day, and new types of pollution are emerging. Only humans seem to be diminishing the quality of their living environment! That’s why IP Group always cares about environmental protection inventions and solutions to address environmental issues so that they can be further developed and optimized.


Intellectual property: author’s rights need to be respected more

Let’s welcome the new week with information about intellectual property!

In recent times, copyright issues, copyright theft, and unauthorized use of copyrights have become increasingly common. In the era of the Internet of Things (IoT), information is shared and disseminated rapidly. This also creates conditions for unauthorized copyright use to occur in a challenging-to-control manner.

Recently, on June 28, 2022, the Central California Court received a lawsuit against Google from the law firm Doniger Burroughs on behalf of photographer Alexander Stross. The lawsuit alleges that YouTube (owned by Google) did not remove copyrighted images of Stross from videos, even though he had submitted notifications.

It can be seen that in developed countries, especially in the United States and Europe, copyright issues are highly regarded. Meanwhile, in Vietnam, the practice of publicly disclosing and performing works without permission, “plagiarizing intellectual property,” and “free riding” is still very common, whether done consciously or unconsciously. Clearly, awareness and knowledge about intellectual property among individuals and creative entities are very limited, and copyright issues seem to be underestimated.

In light of this reality, specific measures are needed to address copyright infringement. Additionally, widespread information should be provided about the importance of intellectual property in general and copyright in particular to raise awareness and respect for the intellectual property rights of others in the public.

[Note: This text discusses a recent copyright lawsuit involving Google and emphasizes the importance of respecting intellectual property rights.]

[Note: IP Group is an intellectual property consulting firm.]


Vinamit receives science and technology certificate from the Binh Duong department of science and technology!!

In late May, Vinamit was awarded a certificate by the Department of Science and Technology of Binh Duong province, recognizing the company as a science and technology enterprise currently operating, along with 4 other enterprises in the province.

On its path of development, IP GROUP has been a constant companion, providing advice on innovation and registering patents to help the company achieve its current status as a science and technology enterprise.

Established in Binh Duong province since 1995, Vinamit quickly established its reputation in the field of organic agriculture and investment in research and application of science and technology. With the company’s efforts and a goal of sustainable development, along with consulting support from IP GROUP, Vinamit now holds 4 U.S. patents, numerous domestic patents, and valuable technological solutions in Vietnam and internationally for technology solutions related to agricultural processing.

In light of Vinamit’s achievements, IP GROUP hopes to continue providing successful consulting and patent registration services for more clients to become science and technology enterprises.

[Note: This text celebrates Vinamit receiving recognition as a science and technology enterprise from the Department of Science and Technology in Binh Duong province. IP GROUP is mentioned as a consulting partner in this achievement.]


[Successful Consultation] Fpt Software receives Uspto Patent Certificate!!!

💎 FPT Software, a client that IP Group has successfully advised, has just received a patent certificate for its deep learning technology from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

🌟 Recently, IP Group provided consulting services and successfully registered an exclusive patent for their technological solution, “Group-equivariant convolutional neural network for 3D point clouds,” a convolutional neural network with group-equivariant transformations for processing 3D point clouds.

“FPT Software’s invention helps improve accuracy in training AI to recognize objects from various angles by enhancing computational performance for feature separation in object recognition. This neural network can be easily configured and deployed across multiple applications, making it a highly applicable technological solution. Additionally, with this AI training approach, less input data is required, resulting in significant resource savings.”

📌 This patent is considered a significant step in FPT Software’s development strategy as it provides the foundation for the company to continue developing intelligent solutions in the future.

💖 IP Group will continue to collaborate with FPT Software on their journey of innovation and intellectual property to create valuable intellectual achievements.


Bao Loc – Da Lat: Journey towards sustainable healthcare

Recently, Mr. Ngô Đắc Thuần, Chairman of the Board of Directors of IP Group, embarked on a journey from Ho Chi Minh City to Bảo Lộc – Đà Lạt along with fellow companions: Mr. Lê Viết Hải – Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hòa Bình Construction Group, GS.TS Vương Thanh Sơn, and PGS. TS Phạm Ngọc Tuấn – Lecturer at Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology.

This journey was created with the goal of connecting compassionate individuals who are dedicated to proactive and sustainable healthcare. At the first stop, Viễn Lưu Zen Garden, covering 10 hectares in Bảo Lộc and owned by GS.TS Vương Thanh Sơn, the group had the opportunity to immerse themselves in nature, practice meditation, and enjoy locally-sourced, organic food. Leveraging his expertise in architecture and construction, Mr. Lê Viết Hải suggested several ways to enhance the venue without compromising its natural beauty, thus creating an attractive destination for those interested in wellness, nature, meditation, and holistic well-being.


Intellectual Property, intangible assets in research and commercialization in the pharmaceutical field

[Faculty of Pharmacy – Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy]

📌 On the morning of June 21, 2022, IP Group conducted a training session on the topic “Intellectual property and intangible assets in research and commercialization in the pharmaceutical field” at the Faculty of Pharmacy – Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy. This training session provided lecturers at the Faculty of Pharmacy with knowledge about innovation and intellectual property that can be applied in the pharmaceutical industry, an aspect that may not have been emphasized in the past. As a result, the lecturers here have experienced a change in their research and teaching mindset, promising a fresh perspective and the creation of valuable research projects and inventions for both the university and the community.

📌 During the session, Mr. Ngô Đắc Thuần, Chairman of the Board of Directors of IP Group, delivered two main topics to the faculty:

     💎 The role of inventions and intellectual property in the Global Innovation Index (GII).

     💎 The contributions of inventions to outstanding values in the fields of Medicine, Pharmaceutical, and Functional Foods.

📌 In addition, Mr. Ngô Đắc Thuần, along with Mr. Chu Mạnh Quân (a specialist from IP Group), presented and analyzed case studies on intellectual property and patent registrations from pharmaceutical companies and universities worldwide, including Vietnam.

📌 IP Group is fully committed to the field of training, aiming to collaborate in providing intellectual property education and consulting to universities. The goal is to transform high-content research into tangible products and practical models, delivering real and valuable outcomes.



The World Health Organization estimates that approximately 15 million people have died from COVID-19 over the course of the pandemic, spanning more than two years. In contrast, pollution claims the lives of up to 9 million people each year, equivalent to 1/6 of global deaths from all causes.

A publication in Lancet Planetary Health reveals that pollution from industry and urbanization is a major driver of climate change and has contributed to a 7% increase in pollution-related deaths from 2015 to 2019.

Co-author Rachael Kupka, CEO of the Global Alliance on Health and Pollution (based in New York, USA), emphasizes that among those who perish due to pollution, deaths resulting from exposure to modern pollutants like heavy metals, agricultural chemicals, and fossil fuels have increased by 66% since 2000.

💢 It’s evident that environmental issues have become increasingly pressing and remain an ongoing saga with no end in sight. Environmental pollution, along with climate change, constitutes an invisible threat that silently claims human lives. In fact, the COVID-19 pandemic, responsible for a significant loss of human life, pales in comparison to this “killer” called environmental pollution.

💎 Confronted with a potentially existential crisis for humanity, IP GROUP is fully committed to encouraging and supporting the development of innovations to address waste and environmental issues. We are also dedicated to seeking alternative green energy sources to replace the depleting traditional energy resources of our planet.

💖 On the path to nurturing innovative business, we remain steadfast in the belief that scientific and technological advancements must be developed sustainably, rooted in the “health” of our environment and the existence of humanity.


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