Is there a specialized gap in communication and media?

‼‼ The story of “invention” and “innovation” is not over yet!!

❎ Not long ago, IP Group posted an article about the convenience of language in communication and the media. Many articles in the field of intellectual property, science, and technology interchangeably use the terms “invention” and “innovation.”

☑ Indeed, the journalism profession is not easy! IP Group may have assessed it inaccurately when it claimed that the media had a convenient way with words. Faced with a large number of articles that casually misuse the term “invention” in this way, the issue here is not about whether the language is convenient or not but rather about a lack of solid expertise. In writing about the field of intellectual property and science and technology, journalists seem to lack the necessary knowledge to use these terms correctly.

⁉ As a bridge for conveying information to the public, should media and communication outlets reconsider the quality of their professional language when it comes to terms in their articles?

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